The Yorkshire Agricultural Machinery Show (YAMS) held on 2nd February this year has won the Yorkshire Post “Agricultural Event of the Year” award for 2022. We are absolutely thrilled to be given this prestigious award, and very proud that YAMS was the first agricultural event to take place following the lifting of the pandemic restrictions at the beginning of the year. An enormous amount of work was undertaken by our fantastic team to ensure the show went ahead and was a success. We are also very grateful for the support shown by our exhibitors, suppliers and all those who attend the show.
The show was first staged in 2014 and has continued to grow in popularity to become the county’s biggest specialist event featuring around 250 trade stands that showcase the latest in farming machinery and technology. It is a show designed to reflect what is going on in the farming world, not just through the machinery businesses but all sectors of agriculture. Its strength is that it brings together all sections of the agricultural community and offers the chance to meet experts from all fields under one roof, which is particularly important as businesses look to future proof themselves through the Agricultural Transition Policy.
This year the 8th YAMS took place in February and was enjoyed by record breaking crowds, with more than 15,000 visiting the site. It was the first agricultural event to take place following the lifting of the pandemic restrictions. It is well known for a show to come and do business, with many, many deals being done on the day. However, it also focusses on the welfare of the farming community with the Yorkshire Rural Support Network offering free health checks for visitors. While YAMS is a popular social event it also recognizes that the nature of farming can lead to health pressures and to help this important issue the show features support from RABI and FCN, who have stands to offer specialist help and advice.
Preparations have now started for the 2023 show which takes place on Wednesday 8th February and exhibitor application packs are now available to download online at