The key word to bear in mind when considering tax legislation and tax reliefs for woodland owners is “commercial” as the word appears in;
Income tax legislation (ITTOIA 2005s 768),
Capital gains tax legislation (TCGA 1992s 250),
Inheritance tax legislation (IHTA 1984 s 105),
Woodlands may also obtain Agricultural Property Relief if they are occupied with agricultural land and pasture and their occupation is ancillary to that of the agricultural land or pasture (subject to meeting the 2 year or 7 year for tenanted land, ownership conditions).
However, it is always prudent to consider how one can demonstrate that the woodlands are commercial.
Key phrases are “income arising from commercial occupation”, managed by the occupier on a commercial basis” and “the occupation of commercial woodlands is accepted as a relevant business property”.
The definition of “commercial” within tax legislation is far from definitive however the income tax legislation states that the occupation of woodlands is commercial if the woodlands are managed on a commercial basis with the view to the realisation of profits.
Most tax inspectors are not familiar with woodlands as businesses, so you should ensure that you have good information to counter any claims of uncommercial occupation.
If HMRC take a close look at tax relief for your woodlands the concept of commerciality will be under scrutiny, so it is important to be able to demonstrate this.
Note – Energy crops (intensive culitivation of poplar, willow or other species) harvested at intervals of less than 10 years and Christmas trees are classed as farming for tax purposes.
Oliver Combe
Tel: 07771958975