18 December 2023

The End of Cross Compliance

The End of Cross Compliance

With the phasing out of the Basic Payment Scheme and its replacement with the new Environmental Land Management Schemes, cross compliance is also coming to an end in England.

From 1st January 2024 cross compliance will no longer exist meaning farmers and land manager will need to comply with existing domestic legislation and regulatory requirements.

A majority of the management rules under cross compliance are also found in domestic legislation, however, DEFRA are reviewing those areas covered by cross compliance but are not contained within any legislation or regulations. DEFRA has particularly highlighted some aspects of hedgerow management which is subject to ongoing consultation.

A page on the Government website has been produced, collating the relevant management rules for farmers, grouped by farming activity:

Rules for farmers and land managers - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

This page will likely be updated regularly as domestic policy and regulations are amended to fill and gaps in the change from cross compliance.

Those with existing Countryside Stewardship and Environmental Stewardship schemes and claiming BPS will need to continue following Cross Compliance rules up to midnight 31st December until DEFRA issue updated terms and conditions.

If this is something you are interested in and would like to discuss further please contact our Environmental Team on 01904 489731.  

Mary Foster BSc (Hons) FAAV

Email: mary.foster@stephenson.co.uk

Tel: 01904 489731