27 March 2024

Substantial increases in government support for managed woodland.

Substantial increases in government support for managed woodland.

New Woodland Management plan rates and threshold, minimum threshold dropped to 3 hectares.

3 hectares of woodland with a minimum parcel size of 0.5ha

3 - 50 hectares: flat rate of £1,500

51 - 100 hectares: £30 per hectare

over 100 hectares: £3,000 + £15 per additional hectares over 100 hectares.

Support for woodland management through updated 10 year Countryside Stewardship mid tier agreements

Once you have an approved management plan for your woodland you can apply to enter a Countryside Stewardship agreement.

There are some important changes to the payment rates under CS for woodland management.

The basic woodland improvement grant WD2, has increased from £100 to £127 per hectare per annum.

In addition there are some new supplements to WD2 which are stackable

Manage and restore ancient woodland                                                        £275 per hectare

Manage native woodland and ancient semi natural woodland               £116 per hectare

Improve woodland resilience (Continuous cover forestry)                       £202 per hectare

Manage woodlands for flood and drought mitigation                               £ 56 per hectare

Deer management                                                                                             £105 per hectare

Grey squirrel control                                                                                          £  60 per hectare

These grants are stackable so a parcel of woodland can qualify for multiple payments.

The theoretical maximum grant rate is now over £600 per hectare per year.

This is a substantial increase in funding levels but landowners must be aware that the money comes with contractual obligations which must be adhered to.

It is however a good opportunity to get funded for work you are already doing and to have support to do work you want to carry out.

Seek professional advice and plan to do the required work so that the year 3 and 5 inspections are passed!

For further information contact Oliver Combe on 07771 958975.