February saw two major events for agricultural machinery, with both taking place within 14 days of each other.
Firstly the award winning Yorkshire Agricultural Machinery Show (YAMS) was held on 8th February which was the 9th annual show and enjoyed a glorious sunny day with another record attendance of over 16,000 visitors. They were treated to a fantastic display of machinery and equipment from around 200 trade stands, making it the county’s biggest specialist agricultural machinery event. It brings together all sections of the agricultural community and offers the unique opportunity to discuss options with experts in one venue, making it a valuable business event. The show also focuses on the welfare of the farming community with the Yorkshire Rural Support Network, RABI, FCN and Samaritans also in attendance.
Secondly came the first York Machinery sale of the year with an entry of around 4,000 lots, filling the sales fields to capacity. The sale has the great benefit of providing maximum exposure which is always required to achieve maximum value for lots. The current database of registered customers is in excess of 60,000 from across the globe. The online catalogues attracted 152,820 views and 2,761 bidder registrations. This resulted in over 87% of all lots entered being sold, with many lots going into Ireland and Eastern Europe.
The sale included a special dispersal from David Mook comprising his Case Puma 140 at £46,000, Case 95A at £31,800 and a Bailey 12T trailer at £14,600. Amongst other highlights were a John Deere 6140R tractor at £35,000, a US Army Kaiser Jeep at £8,600, Alstrong 840T aerator at £6,800, John Deere Gator at £7,000, Amazone ZAM spreader at £4,600 and a Teagle 8150 bedder at £5,600.
Richard Tasker MRICS FAAV
E: rtt@stephenson.co.uk
T: 01904 489731