21 February 2023

Farming Equipment and Technology Fund

Applications will open soon for the Farm Equipment and Technology Fund aimed at Animal Health and Welfare.

Eligible items can be found by clicking the link below.

FETF Animal Health and Welfare

FETF animal health and welfare item list

Already announced and open for applications is the Farm Equipment and Technology Fund aimed at Productivity and Slurry. This application window closes on 4th April.

FETF Productivity and Slurry

FETF productivity and slurry item list

FETF grants are for a minimum of £1,000 and a maximum of £25,000 per theme. It is essential to note that a Grant Funding Agreement (GFA) must be offered by the Rural Payments Agency and accepted by you before items can be ordered and purchased. A refundable deposit of no more than 50% of the total cost can be made to reserve equipment but this is done entirely at you own risk, due to the competitive nature of the grant funding.

With high levels of interest received please contact Beth Dickinson or Chris Muir to aid with applications before deadlines close.

Beth Dickinson – beth.dickinson@boultoncooper.co.uk

01653 692151

Chris Muir – chris.muir@stephenson.co.uk

01904 489731