Succession rules have changed to simplify the process, shifting the focus to improving agricultural productivity and more sustainable farming.
Following the Tenancy Reform Industry Group (TRIG) recommendations and the subsequent Agriculture Act 2020 the final changes to the Agricultural Holdings Act 1986 (AHA) were implemented on 1st September 2024. If you are an agricultural landlord or tenant with an AHA tenancy you need to be aware of the changes to the rules for succession.
Before the changes, if succession rights existed, the potential successor was required to show that they were both ‘eligible’ and ‘suitable’ to take on the tenancy. This is still the case however the requirements to fulfil these tests has slightly changed.
Eligibility test
Suitability Test
It should also be noted that a tenant no longer has to be 65 to give retirement notice, this can be done at any age.
It is extremely important to observe the statutory time periods for the service of notices under the AHA and we would recommend that professional advice should be taken early. With the removal of the commercial unit test landlords may be concerned by the changes and perhaps see them as an obstacle to getting vacant possession. Early conversation is always recommended with your advisor and this is an opportunity to consider your current position and any potential changes you need to make.
Contact our Rural Team for advice on your succession rights.
01904 489 731