The last submission of BPS claims as we know it happened in May of this year to be replaced by delinked payments.
Delinked payments will be received from 2024 onwards to those who submitted a valid BPS Claim in May of this year, with the last payment due to be received in December 2027.
The amount will be based on reference data for the business based on the claims made in 2020, 2021 and 2022. This overall figure is then divided by 3 to provide a net reference amount for the business. This amount is then subject to progressive reductions in each year until the last payment is received.
There are certain situations which allow reference data to be transferred to another claimant. Such scenarios include inheritance and business mergers and splits.
Farmers will shortly receive an Information Statement from the RPA, and this will show the details of the reference data and reference amount.
It is essential that this is carefully checked to ensure the business will receive the correct payments. There is a specialist RPA form to be completed if you want to query these payments.
If you have any questions regarding this and the impact on your business, please contact the team at Stephenons Rural.
Tel: 01904 489731