Applications for Countryside Stewardship Wildlife Offers and Mid-Tiers must be submitted by 18th August 2023 with this being the final time for applications as we know it.
Wildlife Offers provide a simpler set of options to help improve wildlife on farms and are non-competitive lasting five years. Mid-Tiers are competitive lasting five years providing a range of options and capital items that together help deliver a broad range of environmental benefits. Consent for approvals from a Catchment Sensitive Farming adviser (CSF) is required for some capital items and we have an excellent working relationship with advisers across Yorkshire. Approvals are supported where “connectivity” can be proven leading to a CS application. Being in a high phosphate and sediment priority area will increase your chances of support. The approval form, basic plans and request for support must be submitted at least 10 weeks before you intend to submit your application (9th June).
Certain options for the management of priority habitat, priority water catchments and air quality require prior endorsement or approval. If land falls into a land designation (Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSi)) this will need Natural England to approve the land-based management options. The deadline to request approval is 2nd June.
With approximately 250 rotational, non-rotational and capital items to choose from in the Mid-Tier and varying options and categories in the Wildlife Offers there is something for each individual farm. Please contact Chris Muir at Stephenson Rural if you would like to discuss this further.
Chris Muir
Tel: 01904 489731