11 January 2023

A fresh start for New Entrants!

With the phasing out of the BPS system, new entrants into farming are losing the targeted support of access to new entitlements or the Young Farmer top up payment. Newcomers to the industry face financial challenges and obstacles to secure the occupation of agricultural land. As part of the agricultural transition, DEFRA confirmed that a new entrant support scheme would be established.

The New Entrant Support Scheme has just entered into its pilot stage. DEFRA is keen to encourage new entrants into the industry, with all the new ideas and new business models they can bring. The pilot will provide tactical support to young businesses through the early stages of development, nurturing entrepreneurs to further develop a business idea, encouraging innovation and growth.  Support will be provided to pitch for the land and finance your need.

Eligibility – the pilot scheme is available to:

  • individuals with some farming experience, but not their own land-based business
  • individuals with 4 to 10 years’ experience running a land-based farming business

The pilot scheme is available for arable, livestock farming businesses but is also open to horticulture, agro-forestry and environmental service businesses.

How to apply?

DEFRA are accepting application now. The pilot lead for the North – East is the School for social entrepreneurs, please follow the link below for more details:


The deadline for the pilot scheme is fast approaching being midnight on Wednesday 18th January 2023.

These pilot projects are just the start. DEFRA will use the pilot’s findings to determine the New Entrant Support Scheme, which DEFRA will continue to develop next year.

If you are a new entrant and would like to discuss the proposed scheme further, please do not hesitate to contact Beth Dickinson.

Beth Dickinson BSc (Hons) MRICS FAAV


07514 492609